Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Ponte Vista Web Site

The marketing arm of the Ponte Vista at San Pedro Development published to the World Wide Web, its new Web site.

The URL is and I found it interesting, even during its first day.

Many times a Web site will be published before it has lots of primary information on it and this I find to be the case with Ponte Vista's new Web site.

On the right side of the homepage are a list of articles. I am going to put the titles of the link pages down and then copy/paste what I found under the links.

Please remember that the editors of the Web site published it to the Web before much of the information was edited.

"Visit or new Ponte Vista blogat"

Maecenas eget diam in mi sagittis mattis quis aliquam elit. Pellentesque nec nibh urna; ac dignissim tortor? Vivamus sollicitudin adipiscing malesuada! Duis a consectetur nulla. Curabitur magna libero, elementum eget tempus et, mollis id erat. Integer sagittis neque vel purus malesuada non tristique ligula auctor. Mauris et nisi augue, ut sagittis est. Fusce pulvinar varius scelerisque massa nunc.

***This blog has been around for several years and it looks just about what it looked like when its most recent post was published.

"Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO Supports Ponte Vista"

Aliquam nisl est; tempor eget suscipit iaculis, aliquet sed orci. Nulla pellentesque imperdiet consectetur. Duis augue libero, interdum at egestas ut, elementum in tellus. In aliquet sapien id turpis pellentesque luctus? Pellentesque sem nibh, vehicula vitae elementum id, posuere ut purus? Praesent lobortis lacinia dolor, id mattis lectus dictum vel! Nulla bibendum dapibus tellus, at blandit amet.

***I think before somebody publishes the title of a post, they should be able to post the body of the post, don't you?

"East View Little League Finds New Home at Ponte Vista"

Etiam semper consectetur adipiscing. Proin ut tincidunt leo. Aenean elementum, nisl et mattis tincidunt, dolor elit posuere massa, nec ultricies turpis ante sit amet neque. Vivamus mi massa, viverra sit amet adipiscing ac, semper eget nibh. Morbi hendrerit congue augue vel auctor. Morbi a purus vel risus elementum laoreet ut et justo. In mi lectus; varius a faucibus vel, pulvinar at velit posuere.

***Perhaps the editor of the new site is just using the link title without regard to whether it is true or not.

"City of Los Angeles Releases Final Environmental Impact Report"

(Empty Space)

*** This page of the link is empty of body. I suspect the editor forgot to copy/paste the wording used in other links.

What got me to the original page was an Email about the Traffic Study now being conducted for Ponte Vista at San Pedro.

The following can be found under the larger heading of "Transportation" at the top of the site.

Then click on "Traffic Study" at the bottom of the "Transportation" heading.

"Traffic Study"

Intersections to be evaluated as part of the traffic study are determined by LADOT (Los Angeles Department of Transportation) as well as from public comments received during the scoping period of the Draft EIR (Environmental Impact Report).

Proposed study intersections include the same intersections evaluated in the traffic study contained in the November 2006 Draft EIR for the prior Ponte Vista project, as well as additional intersections identified as areas of concern by the public during the previous Draft EIR process (for example, Western Avenue/Peninsula Verde Drive).

For a full list of study intersections, please click here [link to list of intersections, Board 6-3]. For a map of the study intersections, please click here [link to map from Board 6-2].

In traffic engineering practice, and as required by LADOT, potential impacts due to development projects are assessed by evaluating changes to operations at intersections.

Intersection traffic counts were conducted in September and October 2010. Weekday counts occurred on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday when local schools were in session. Based on LADOT requirements, weekday counts were conducted in the morning from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and in the afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday counts were conducted from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The peak hour is determined from the 3 hour counts at each intersection based on the 60 minute period with the highest amount of traffic.

As required by LADOT and based on traffic counts, intersections will be evaluated during the weekday commuter morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) peak hours. In addition, intersections along Western Avenue near the project site will be evaluated during the Saturday midday peak hour corresponding with the peak shopping period.

***Thank you very much for providing this information. It allows folks to learn what has been going on and answers questions some might still have about the Traffic Study.

I tried to sign up for the 'eNEWSLETTER' on this site, but it would not work.

Now folks, please don't go thinking I now endorse the latest project plans, by reading this post.

I do believe that information is critical when making decisions on such a large project as Ponte Vista at San Pedro is.

I don't feel we need to be at such odds as so many supporters and opponents of previous plans were.

I have real problems with '1,135' units and the fact that the developer stated to me that the majority of the traffic mitigation supported by Bob Bisno during "The Bob Years" will not be on the table going forward.

I have been told that there is nowhere in the developer's budget to offer the traffic mitigation we all were looking at, back in the earlier years of the project.

When I looked up the developments old Web site, "" I found an under construction mention on a site maintained by Network Solutions. It appears that "" is also under the umbrella of Network Solutions.

Maybe the site I am writing about will migrate to "" in the future. That would be a good thing for the folks at Ponte Vista at San Pedro and me.

When you 'google' "Ponte Vista", I come up first followed by their Your Ponte Vista blog.

I signed up for Google Alerts using "Ponte Vista" as key words. That is how I found out about the new site.

I haven't tried Bing or other search engines, but I bet I will be at or near the top and that should not be what the marketers for Ponte Vista at San Pedro would want you to see.

So we start of the new year with a new site and I hope a much better discussion that is open and honest on all sides.

I'll write more and I hope to end the hiatus of my "Odds and Ends" posts.

Happy New Year!

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