Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ponte Vista Draft Environmental Impact Report

The Draft Environmental Impact Report has been published and is now available.

Online, the documents can be viewed at: I personally want to thank Mr. Bisno and his staff for making this very, very long document available on the Internet so soon after its publication.

Fifty copies of the Draft E.I.R. in the form of CD ROM were delivered to Councilwoman Janice Hahn's office in San Pedro.

The first fifty copies of the CD ROM delivered to the Ponte Vista site were being handed out very quickly. Ms. Swanson from Mr. Bisno's staff told me that more copies will become available.

Part IV of the Environmental Impact Analysis, Section J. is the Transportation and Traffic section of the document. It is 120 pages long.

"Ponte Vista DEIR Section I, Introduction -Summary" is a sixty page section that illuminates the findings of the report and the impacts on the various issues concerning the Environmental Impact Report.

I appreciate the opportunity to read the Report beginning a week before the next Community Advisory Committee meeting. I hope all interested parties have a chance to learn from the documents and become better informed about the project.

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