Friday, May 22, 2009

Odds and Ends 118

Maybe I haven't been paying much attention lately. When I saw the "Traffic Fines Doubled In Construction Zone" facing NORTHBOUND Western Avenue traffic right at the most southern point of Ponte Vista, I didn't remember seeing it before.

Now I have no idea what is up with any construction along northbound Western Avenue adjacent to the Ponte Vista site. I didn't see any street paint that would indicate any utility company paint on the roadway pre-marking anything for future digging.

If anyone knows what is up, please reply to this blog via a comment.

I'll try this coming week to find answers.

It probably has nothing to do with the Ponte Vista development per se.

I know that during "The Bob Years" many of us had called for tarps to be placed along the fencing to block what we called the blight of the area.

I still feel we should continue to call for more blockage of views onto the property even though there is a new developer involved. The place does look a bit better, but blight then is still blight now.

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