This means, if you send in your postcard, that more folks will continue to get paid processing your information and forwarding your "support" for Bob's vision of Ponte Vista to a person who simply doesn't want such a large development built in her district.
I took the liberty of removing the wonderful person's name and address from the card. I seem to get stuff sent to me by a variety of folks. Thank you Ms. "X" and you are a great person!
I also removed the Ponte Vista Web site address and phone number to the Outreach trailers.
I probably could have put in their places, the address to this blog, but since you are reading this, why bother?
If you look extremely carefully in the lower right hand corner of the first illustration, you may just be able to pick out what appears to be a union logo for a printing firm. Kudos go to the Outreach Team for actually using union labor to produce a card stating that union labor would be used at Ponte Vista.
Of course you all know that the use of union labor depends entirely on whether Bob gets to build and over development and not a number of units that will, most likely, be far fewer than Bob wants.
According to reliable sources, each and every time Bob is asked whether he would still use union labor if the number of units approved for the site is less than what he demands, he either changes the course of the discussion, evades any positive answers, or simply doesn't answer the question at all.
I know some union workers will be used at the site. My union, the Communications Workers of America have had represented workers on the property for years and will continue to have workers on the site for years to come.
If other Utility Companies have workers represented by unions also working on the site, then there will actually be several unions represented.
But make no mistake, if Bob doesn't get what he wants, there is no indication that he would use union represented labor in the construction, maintenance, or livability at anything built at Ponte Vista.
I wonder what might happen if ILWU workers, all great union members, buy units at Ponte Vista if it is NOT built out using union represented labor.
Perhaps the good group representing ILWU workers and other union represented workers will "encourage" Bob to use union represented workers, no matter how may units he gets to build.
San Pedro is a strong union community. There are more than quite a few members of unions living in OUR community. Let's all stand tall and proud of our union memberships, and state that union members will not buy anything built at Ponte Vista, that hasn't been built with union labor!
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