Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Simple Quote

In today's (Sunday Feb. 10) Daily Breeze, this simple quote was written;

"It sounds like the developer is listening to the community and wants to build a project that is compatible with the Neighborhood"

The quote is from Councilwoman Janice Hahn. One of the best things about the quote is that it revolves around a neighborhood which finally organized neighbors to oppose a proposed development that they felt was too large for the area.

The worst thing about the quote is that the developer the quote was considering, is NOT Bob Bisno.

Mike Rosenthal finally began to really listen to the neighbors living around the former McCowan's Market site on the corner of 20Th Street and Walker Avenue.

Possibly after the meeting Mr. Rosenthal will have with leaders of Vista del Oro Neighbors Condos and representatives of Ms. Hahn, a compromise may be reached that becomes a win-win for all parties.

Could this signal some kind of compromise proposal from Bob Bisno, that is real and possibly genuine? Well, he hasn't seemed to really listen to the neighbors living near the Ponte Vista site. What makes anyone truly believe he will be willing to read about the compromise porposal for the McCowan's site.

Bob must have seen pictures of the various demonstrations outside Ponte Vista. I know he has heard from the CAC and so many others. I also know representatives of Bob's read this blog.

So, for over two years, Bob has refused to look, listen, read, or speak of true compromise, while Mike Rosenthal closed down McCowan's about one month ago and has already changed his proposals to be more compatible with the local neighborhood and offer compromise to the neighbors living near that site.

I guess Bob is deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to really dealing with OUR community, when so many members of OUR community are so opposed to his weapon of mass development.


Anonymous said...

My comment is I love your work and I am out here with my R-1 sign in front of my home. My question is what does anyone know about what was going on Sunday 2/10 at the Ponte Vista site? There was a big tent up, tables , chairs, food, and posters I saw as I drove by. Is Mr. Bisno now renting out Ponte Vista for baptisms , weddings, birthdays, etc... to generate some income while he waits for city approval?

Anonymous said...

on 2/10, a mardi gras-themed celebration was held to update supporters on the project's status.

M Richards said...

Thanks anonymous 7:30 PM.

Do you happen to know what the update states?

I hope it didn't have any points about ATSAC, because the funding and timetable for installation is already set, ready, and for 57 intersections, going to happen, even without one penny from Bob.

Anonymous said...

well, i didn't attend. but i know someone who did. from what i heard, the 2/10 "party" did not shed any new light on what is going on (which is not to say the project is stalled).