Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Another Homework Assignment

Here is another homework assignment. This one is more serious than the others and should be required reading for everyone on any side of any discussion concerning the 61.53 acres of land commonly known as Ponte Vista.

Please consider reading the Draft Eenvironmental Impact Report for the Berth 97-109 project. This draft report does not contain many of the potential health hazards and information about other potential problems, but it does give a fairly detailed estimate of what the potentials may be once all the testing, sampling, and observing is completed. More accurate accountings will be made in the Final Enviornmental Impact Report is drafted and published for consideration by the governing bodies.

Not only should the general public read the report, it should be included along with any environmental report written for the Ponte Vista at San Pedro project and the E.I.R. that will be generated for SRHS #14.

Berths 97-109 will be close enough to the Ponte Vista site to have an impact on whatever is built. I feel we all owe it to ourselves and the potential residents and/or students who will live and/or learn in Ponte Vista. If you look in the upper left hand corner of the aerial photograph of the reports front cover, you will see the proposed site for lot #12 of Ponte Vista at San Pedro.


It is an extremely long read. A read that I have not even really begun to attempt. I feel that the most important sections deal with the potential health ramifications to all the residents in our area.

I would tend to feel that there may be consensus between the existing residents of San Pedro, Rancho Palos Verdes, and the developers of the several projects in the area, to come together and oppose the further development of Berths 97-109.

We may disagree about many things within Ponte Vista, but I think we can all agree on two things:
The need for a new road from Western Avenue to the Harbor Freeway.
Opposition to the development of Berths 97-109

1 comment:

B. as in bri said...

how can bisno think this will work without widening western and/or gaffey?