Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Application is on the Web

The application titled; Ponte Vista General Plan Amendment/Zone Change Application has been posted on the Internet

http://www.pontevista.com/cacbinder/ is where you go to view and download the information the committee received at our last meeting.

I may have been a bit hyper critical of the contents of the binder. I critiqued the contents and originally planned on writing my thoughts. I talked to a few other folks who had experience with these types of applications ( I had none) and they advised me that there really wasn't a whole lot of useful information that even needed critiquing.

I might suggest that you have a really good look at the aerial photo of the site provided in the material. Then go to Google Earth and look at a similarly angled view of the site as it really is.

You might also want to take a good look at the artist's conceptual illustrations of the site. Notice the backgrounds and the view of the bridge. Did you notice any of the four cranes near the bridge? Me neither.

I do applaud Mr. Bisno for providing access to the binder's materials on the Web. I thank him for delivering my request.

One other point. I think the persons taking and selecting the photos that were used in the application have a real love for roadside storm drain openings. I still can't figure out why the application is filled with photos of buildings, roads, storm drains, and other things that will be eliminated no matter what is finally built in Ponte Vista.

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