Thursday, October 19, 2006

Why Are You Here?

The site meter at the bottom of the page reflected that, during the last 24 hours, the 700th visit to this blog was made. Thank you, thank you, thank you. But I keep wondering, why are you here?

I am pretty sure you care about what may or may not happen within the area known as Ponte Vista at San Pedro, or else you would leave these overly-long postings quickly.

The "why" question keeps popping up for me because I want to know what you think and what you want to see in this blog. For over 700 visits I can only view 69 comments and too many are from me.

I really want to know what you think. You can comment by being "Anonymous" or you can Email me at Your opinions should be just as valid as mine. Your wishes for the project site should be known. What do you like about the postings? I know they are too long, and I'll work on that.

Do you want to see a list of questions about the Ponte Vista Project or the SRHS #14 Project?
How might I better assist in helping you express opinions and facts?
Am I keeping you informed enough?
How much to you really care about whatever happens at Ponte Vista?
Does this blog help you?
Am I being fair, too objective, or too subjective?
How much wood would a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?

By 2012, there could be a 2,025 seat Senior High School surrounded by a Navy Tank Farm and a gated condominium community. There could be 2,300 homes with approximately 7,343 residents and up to 5,500 vehicles, all having access only to Western Avenue. Some folks dream of a 61.53 acre recreational and environmental area. Still others only hope for single-family homes on R-1 lots.

In my opinion, there are too few voices making their opinions heard and read, on subjects that will change the nature of two communities and the lives of many, many thousands of people.
Please speak and write. As I write on each of my blog sites; "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I'm a resident of SP and do care about what happens at the former Navy housing site on Western. I appreciate your information and hope you keep up the good work. Admittedly I am somewhat cynical about the Ponte Vista task force CAC though, and hope it is just not used to somehow make 2300 condos (or 1500 etc.) and a zoning change palatable and to provide political cover for the councilwoman. The area should stay R-1, and if this means Bisno's profit margin is less, well that's tough.

B. as in bri said...

this is simply the nature of blogs. far more will visit than comment. it isn't a reflection of interest.

Anonymous said...

I think there's an agreement generally among local residents that Mr. Bisno's project is absurd. I'm still waiting for a local to comment on the blog that Bisno's project will work.

Anonymous said...

well it's clear that bisno's strategy is to build less then 2300 units. it's the same case anywhere. go in with a really high number, get shot down after a while so it makes it look like the locals won, when in reality it's the actual number he wanted to build in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I am not a local but am buying property in the area and do support the development. Whether 2300 is the right number or not I am not sure, but I surely hope all the negative criticsm won't prompt Bisno to back-out entirely. From what I've seen of San Pedro, an infusion of new money from developers and residents would not be a bad thing.

Truthtold said...

I hate to see you folks being taken in. These developers care about their pocket books, not about a great project! When you have "Senior Housing" the rules are more generous for the builders. Don't let the zoning get changed!!! If you thought Western Avenue was bad when you had those closed lanes for new piping, wait until you see the traffic from over 5000 cars daily. Don't be taken in. Once it's built, it's over.