Friday, March 09, 2007

Odds and Ends #3

I am fudging a bit and this post was actually created early Saturday morning.

Dr. Richard Vladovic and Mr. Neal Kleiner are headed for a runoff for seat #7 on the L.A. School Board. The election is scheduled for May 15, 2007 and this blog and myself, personally continue to endorse Mr. Neal Kleiner for that seat.

Look for an upcoming story in the L.A. Weekly dealing with campaign contributions, who made them, and why. I was recently informed that Bob Bisno has not personally contributed to Dr. Vladovic's campaign, but I did hear him endorse Dr. Vladovic and suggest individuals consider Dr. Vladovic's positions.

Also for the record, both Dr. Vladovic and Mr. Neal Kleiner have publicly stated they are both opposed to having a 2,025 seat high school built on the current Ponte Vista site. Mr. Kleiner used the words "no Bisno" when questioned about whether he had or would accept donations to his campaign from Mr. Bisno.

Public disclosure laws showed that Mr. Kleiner's campaign raised about $23,000 so far towards his election, while the war chest of Dr. Vladovic's campaign received at least $277,000!
Dr. Vladovic is heavily funded with money coming from Mayor Villaraigossa's funding streams.

R Neighborhoods Are 1 is still in its roll out stages. A planning meeting is scheduled for this Saturday and I hope to reveal more information by Monday evening.

According to an observant local resident, cabling along Western Avenue for the signal systems is being cut over to fibre-optic cable. It is NOT the actual installation of the ATSAC, synchronized signalling system that is slated for installation, hopefully, beginning later this year, but these new cables should support that installation in the long run.

Paid petition gatherers continue to attempt to gather information in support of "affordable housing in San Pedro", at least at Albertson's on North Western Avenue. Unpaid petition gatherers continue to circulate the "R1 petitions" and the public should get its first glimpse as to how many concerned people have signed these "R1" petitions already, in the next two weeks or so.

Mr. David Olivo from L.A. City Planning Department revealed that within the local area, there are approximately 0.86 jobs per household, compared to 1.4 jobs per household in the entire City of Los Angeles. Mr. Bisno's folks were quick to challenge the facts and figures presented by a member of the City Planning Department and we all will probably hear and read the response from Bisno Development.

If there are fewer than one jobs per household in an area, but more than one worker living within the household, that means many more folks have to commute out of the area to their jobs than can work in the local area where they live. This really means more traffic for everyone when each new development opens.

In the future the CAC will deal with the word "Affordable". There will be a presentation given by folks from the Housing Department revealing once and for all what that term really means and how it may or may not apply to any home currently planned for the Ponte Vista site.

The telephone poll recently conducted under contract and funded by Mr. Bisno and his organization has been completed and is about ready to be rolled out.

Ms. Janice Hahn requested that the poll or survey be conducted.

One prominent opponent to Mr. Bisno's current plans received a call. This individual is a retired lawyer and has spent most of his career dealing with issues, polls, surveys, and legal matters. He stated that the recent poll is a "push poll" designed to have questions specifically created and presented in a way that favors particular outcomes in favor of the person or group funding the poll. According to the individual, this poll is a classic example of how polls can be created to favor one position over another and achieve results most favorable to the funding group.

Mr. Bisno wants to roll out the results of that poll at a special meeting of the CAC, prior to its release to the press and general public. When asked if all the questions from the survey would be presented, Mr. Bisno said that many specific questions would NOT be revealed.

I will attend the scheduled Wednesday night meeting and write as much as I feel can be released, using a post later that evening.

If I ruffled feathers on Thursday night via a certain post, I am not ready to place it back into draft status and I am not sorry, nor will I apologize for writing it.

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