Friday, March 30, 2007

Odds and Ends 6

Doug Epperhart has a great piece, IMHO, in the Saturday March 31 edition of More San Pedro.
Folks can usually visit on the Friday evening before the next edition of the magazine appears, to get a head start on what will be in the issue.

Continuing to research all things Ponte Vista and wanting to help clear up any confusion or unintentionally errors by anyone, I will include something from the Initial Study for the Ponte Vista at San Pedro development. This document is included in appendix number 2 of the Ponte Vista at San Pedro, Draft Environmental Impact Report, that was released to the public on November 2, 2006.

First I must inform everyone that R Neighborhoods Are 1 claims that the population of the development may be approximately 7,343 residents. The Draft Environmental Impact Report, (DEIR) which was published after the Initial Study was done, lists the possible residential population of the project at 4,313 residents.

There is a difference of projected population of 3,030 residents. I will include the portion of the Initial Study and the footnote that mentions what the population might be and why it might be that. The figure used in the DEIR is under much scrutiny by many individuals and is continuing to be a subject that may require reevaluation by the Planning Department and decision makers.

Below is a portion of the Initial Study having to do with what was then considered a "potentially significant Impact" point. The Initial Study was published on July 11, 2005. That was just about four months after Mr. Bisno used the winning bid to acquire the property.

Now, from Section 12 of the Initial Study, Discussion "a)", Page 36 of the study:

"Potentially Significant Impact. The proposed project would induce direct population growth by adding 2,300 multi-family residential units and approximately 7,343 new permanent residents to the project site. 15 ( The number "15" refers to the foot note that I will include at the end of the paragraph). Compared to the most recent use of the site, in which 245 residential units and approximately 880 residents occupied the property (based on the same Community Plan demographic estimate), the proposed project would represent a net increase of 2,055 units and 6,463 residents. Therefore, the potential for the project to induce substantial population growth in the area, either directly or indirectly, will be addressed in the EIR."

"15" Now the footnote:
"Based on a ratio of 3.59 persons per dwelling unit for the non-restricted multiple-family units (Source: Wilmington-Harbor City Community Plan, SCAG community projection for 2010), and an average of 2 persons per dwelling-unit for the senior-restricted units."

Mr. Bisno has tauted the recommendation from SCAG, the Southern California Association of Governments, both orally and in writings. SCAG has projected the population for 2010 in the area. Nobody still really knows how many folks might actually live at Ponte Vista.

It is therefore reasonable, in my opinion, for anyone to use the approximate number of potential residents at Ponte Vista to be 7,343 persons. Without more definitive studies that would suggest otherwise, and having so much trouble with the figures presented in the DEIR, I think IF Mr. Bisno wins approval for zoning changes that would allow him to build 2,300 units, as his current plans call for, it would be realistic to approximate the potential population at 7,343 persons.

Trivia for this post:

The closest Los Angeles Unified School District Middle School to the Ponte Vista at San Pedro site is located totally within the city limits of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Every single human currently living in the City of Los Angeles and wishing to attend or visit Dodson Middle School, must enter the City of Rancho Palos Verdes to accomplish the task.

The next Community Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday April 12, 2007, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, in San Pedro. The starting time for the meeting is 6:00 PM and the cookies are great!


Tom said...

Finally someone has read the footnotes! Kudos, Mark! This makes some sense of the household size numbers. There are probably lots of other places in the DEIR which are the same and have produced a knee-jerk opposition. People look at only the summary, the average, and don't look at where/how is what derived.

Unknown said...

The traffic around Dodson MS in the morning and afternoon looks like Dodger Stadium after a sold out game.