Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ms. Hahn Calls For New Traffic Study

In a letter dated March 5,2007 and addressed to Ms. Gail Goldberg, General Manager, Los Angeles Planning Department and Ms. Gloria Jeff, General Manager Los Angeles Department of Transportation, Councilwoman Janice Hahn formally requested a new traffic study for the Ponte Vista at San Pedro development.

Here is the body of that letter:

"I am requesting that a new traffic study be conducted as part of the EIR process relative to the Ponte Vista project in San Pedro.

There continues to be significant concerns as to the findings of the original traffic study and the traffic count which was reviewed. For example, I understand this study may have occurred while a sinkhole was being repaired on Western Avenue, which I believe would have impacted the true traffic count along this major corridor. Since a considerable amount of possible traffic mitigation would affect Western Avenue, it seems appropriate that we are sure of an accurate and true traffic count.

Additionally, it has come to my attention that a mitigative contribution by the developer towards an ATSAC system for the area intersections would still result in a shortfall to complete this necessary project, especially along Western Avenue. I would like the new study to indicate methods by which we can generate the necessary funding so that ATSAC can be completed concurrently with construction of Ponte Vista. In my opinion, traffic improvements must take place at the same time as the development of this project, not at some future unknown date.

Thank you for your continued commitment to this important project. I look forward to hearing from you soon."


signed, Janice Hahn.

Editor's note. Thank you Ms. Hahn for this letter. It is a step in the correct direction in my opinion. I would like to comment that I would prefer that all of ATSAC would be completed prior to the beginning of any construction at Ponte Vista, no matter what the final zoning is approved for.


Anonymous said...

Yes a new more credible traffic study is a SMALL step in the right direction, but overdue and obvious. With the profits this developer stands to suck out of San Pedro at the community's expense, he should also make alot more than just a "mitigative contribution towards an ATSAC system."

Anonymous said...

i bet bisno development is privately cursing the recent revelation. he's on a tight schedule, and another traffic study will push back the schedule by months.

i wonder why she did it.

M Richards said...

Thanks anonymous 3:59 PM.

I think Ms. Hahn saw the billboard sized writing on the wall, concerning the traffic study.

Sure, one might think it is to apease folks as the days towards another election tick by, but I think the tremendous amount of evidence supporting the need for a new study far outweighed any attempts by the developer to let his first study slide through the cracks.

It is one small step on a journey to find some real truth concerning the development and its potential impacts on OUR community.