Monday, June 18, 2007

A First!!!

This blog, Life on the edge at, and Ponte Vista---Common Sense at have all come out against Bob's new plan.

Unity for at least one time!

Ponte Vista----Common Sense never really supported Bob's plans for 2,300 units We were all together on that first issue. But to see all three blogs come out against Bob's new plans just one day after it was proposed means that something needs to be looked at, in the Bisno camp.

Tom Field did "stretch" to offer a 1,700-unit development, with he and I wishing for a 700-unit Senior Housing section. But on May 29, I went over to what Mr. Field might consider to be "the dark side". We gave compromise a shot, but it was not to be, back then.

To read on Mr. Field's blog that he was in "Shock and Awe" with Bob's new proposal might mean that there are real supporters of Bob's wishing to bail, right now! Tom never claimed to be a true "Bisno supporter", and I accept that and appreciate that.

I hope Mr. Field exhibits the same rage at Mr. Bisno's new plans that he has leveled towards me in the past and I hope we are now well beyond that issue.

Mr. Field may also comment on the "way-out" thing that I mentioned on the blog and in an Email to him, on one of his future posts.

To get Calamari, Banditos Yanquis, Tom Field, Mark Wells, and a growing number of other people mad at Bob for his new proposal is a teeny-tiny step in finding unity in OUR community and that ain't bad.

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