Monday, June 18, 2007

Tonight's Big Show

Have you R.S.V.P. your invitation to have dinner at the Green Onion prior to tonight's CAC meeting? I didn't get an invitation, so I guess I am not one of the many "supporters" of Bob's who will dine prior their short assignment of showing up at the CAC meeting with their yellow stickers on.

I don't know how many of those enjoying that dinner will even know what is happening tonight, or if they really care.

Bob is supposed to reveal his "new" plans for the Ponte Vista site.

Folks seem to want me to know what they feel the total number of units will be, or they offer it to lots of folks. I have heard that "Bob can make a profit with only 600 houses", to 1,950-units.
There are many folks who think somewhere from 1,500-1,700 units will be suggested. I don't know the total number at this time, but if it is too high, I think Bob will be shooting himself down with many of the "supporters" who have held on even though they didn't like 2,300 in the first place.

I wonder what the supporters' spin will be if Bob proposes more than 1,500 units, or even 1,700 units for that matter. I hope many of them will think harder before supporting unit totals that exceed 1,700, but I know that many supporters are looking at 1,700 as the highest reasonable number, even though lots of folks think even that is too high.

I am asking your forgiveness for my probable LOL during the meeting tonight. If what has been told to me is anywhere near close, I'll be watching supporters' faces and see if they make an angry face when Bob finally reveals his totals.

Waiting for almost ten months for Bob to finally come up with a "new" proposal only to find it only several hundred fewer total units than 2,300, is already inexcusable, I feel. Considering that if a figure between 1,700 and let's say 1,951 total units comes up, and I don't know that it will, may portend even a longer mission is in store while we have to see if folks will stand by Bob for a third "new" proposal, hopefully in a shorter time frame.

I should have the preliminary numbers on this blog by 10:00 PM tonight. If you are on the R1 Email list that doesn't have the addresses revealed, I will try and get those who run that Email list put something up either later tonight or early tomorrow morning.

Stay tuned, this is going to be an interesting evening!


Anonymous said...

R-1 at Ponte Vista Supporters

Bob Bisno is rolling out the new (and not improved) Ponte Vista plan on Monday night 6pm at the scheduled CAC meeting being held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

He has told Janice Hahn that he expects to turn out a couple hundred people so we need to counter punch with as many. The time to step up to the plate and make an appearance and show of force is NOW! Bob Bisno (aka the developer) is still playing the same old game with his largely paid army of supporters and petition gatherers. Show up and show him how the community really feels about his plans.

Bob broke the news to the councilwoman Friday and Janice is greatly disappointed with the "new" plan. She expects to tell Bob Bisno the same at the meeting. Meanwhile, we are continuing to march. As a famous man once said, "it's not over, till it's over" and frankly, it's not over yet by a long shot.

Hope we see all of you there on Monday night.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed myself tonight. I think the CAC really dealt quite a blow to the BisNO supporters. You will see how the BisNO crowd thins for the next meeting.

M Richards said...

Thanks anonymous 10:27.

I think whenever Bob offers free meals he get supporters out in numbers that we have to fight to equal.

With only two more CAC meeting scheduled before ??????, I don't know if Bob will continue to stack the deck.

If you listened very carefully to Ms. Hahn tonight, I think you heard what she really feels what is happening with Bob's new plans.

Unfortunately if the CAC members are forced into making their recommendations in the next two meetings, without looking farther into Bob's new plans, we might loose some of our power of public speaking with the CAC.

I sadly got the impression that Ms. Hahn wants to hear the CAC's recommendation and then let is slide into the sunset, leaving all of us to look in more directions to battle Bob's ridiculous plans.

I would hope the CAC could take a hiatus and then get back to having public meetings, but tonight discouraged me and I hope Ms. Hahn, the majority of the members of the CAC, and many outspoken members of the public reconsider keeping public access to all information in the forefront.

I don't see how Bisno can sell a 15% reduction.