Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Post From Pat Nave

Pat sent me a message that he wants included on this blog. It concerns traffic generation numbers for the Ponte Vista development.

Bob Bisno has stated that he will use numbers and figures used by Mr. Jerry Gaines and Mr. Pat Nave when working with his own traffic engineers, to create a more accurate picture of what traffic may be like in the future.

At this point I am believing Mr. Gaines and Mr. Nave with their traffic predictions than I am coming from everyone at Ponte Vista AND the L.A. City Department of Transportation.

Here is Mr. Nave's piece:

"Thanks for the update on the new iteration of Ponte Vista.

Unfortunately, the City and CAC seem to be continuing the basic mistake the City makes when it applies ITE trip data when they use the average for a land use designation. That does not comply with the City's own Guidelines.

Here's what I mean and why it matters.

The condo land use designation uses data from over 3000 projects nationwide. The average daily traffic per unit is 5.86, but the range is 1.83 to 11.79. As you can see, there are some condo projects in the data base that exceed the 9.57 average for single family projects.

It would be a misapplication of the data to assume that 429 single family units will generate as many trips per day as 1200 condominiums. The ITE Trip Generation chart shows that 1200 condos might well generate three or four times as many trips per day as 429 single family residences. Further, the City requires developers to use, and the City to apply, ITE Guidelines. The ITE Guidelines contain fitted curve equations that help tell you where in the range your project is likely to fall. When the City simply adopts the average it is not following the ITE Guidelines and is therefore violating its own rules.

The same problem extends to the peak hour trip generation numbers and is even more important there BECAUSE THE PEAK HOUR NUMBERS TELL YOU WHAT MITIGATION IS NEEDED AND WHAT INTERSECTIONS ARE AFFECTED.

The peak hour ranges are

AM .15 - 1.61 per unit, average of .44

For 1200 units, could be as high as 1,932 based on actual, observed projects.

PM .18 - 1.24 per unit, average of .52

For 1200 units, could be as high as 1,488 PM based on actual, observed projects."

This document was transmitted as an Email from Pat Nave to Mark Wells. The only editing I did was to “translate” letters from what was sent via a computer set for the Turkish characters, to standard lettering we use. Here is how the word "MITIGATION" appears in Mr. Nave's original Email: "MÝTÝGATÝON" Except that the little line at the top of the Y is actually a . in the middle of the two limbs of the Y.

I wrote to Mr. Nave concerning Bob's new 1,950-unit plan. Mr. Nave appears to be using a 1,200-unit scenerio. Mr. Nave also uses the 429-unit "R1" listing and not the "Bisno threatened" 724-unit count for his idea of R1, with a density bonus added.

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