Saturday, June 02, 2007

Thank You Steve Marconi!

Thank You Mr. Steve Marconi, for mentioning this blog in your most recent column.

Welcome to any new readers who found this blog by reading Mr. Marconi's column.

This blog has many very long posts, contains lots of verifiable facts, many, many opinions, and welcomes your input, opinion, and consideration.

It has been only about 5 days since I formally came out in support of keeping the Ponte Vista at San Pedro site with its current, R1 zoning. Before that, as one of several proposals I have considered on this blog, I wanted to see some Senior Housing units built with the rest of the site set aside for single-family, detached units (SFRs).

Unfortunately, for that vision, reality finally caused me to finally swing all the way over to the R1 side.

I have been extremely supportive of the positions taken by all of the folks demanding R1, but until last Tuesday, I had not signed the R1 petition. Now I have.

The Ponte Vista at San Pedro has been probably the most divisive issue to rock OUR community in a very long time. I use "OUR community", because it is not only San Pedro and San Pedrans who will have to suffer from Bob Bisno's current and future plans, for the site.

For the record, I am Mark Wells, I live in the Mira Vista neighborhood of R.P.V., which is the oldest tract of houses between Western Avenue and Miraleste Drive/P.V. Drive East, with the housing being built in 1949/1940. I currently volunteer as one of seven members of the Rancho Palos Verdes Traffic Safety Commission, and every R1 button you see were created by me.

The posts on this blog tend to be very, very long. If you have a question that I may be able to answer and you don't want to sift through this monster I have created, please Email me and I will try to provide you with the factual answer to your question(s).

Again, thank you Mr. Marconi and welcome to all new visitors to this blog.


Anonymous said...

who is steve marconi and where is this article?

Just4fin said...

Steve Marconi is a freelance columnists that writes for More San Pedro (a weekly supplement from the Daily Breeze). You can read it at their web site www.daily, or better yet, go to and look under news and then columnists. There are several of his columns there.

Just a reminder that the next forum and workshop for R Neighborshoods Are 1 is June 4th, 7PM at Peck Park. You will find out how you can help save your quality of life in San Pedro and the surrounding communities as well.

Signing that petition was just the first step. Find out what phase two and beyond will be.


"You will never be heard unless you speak up."

Look forward to seeing everyone there.