Thursday, July 19, 2007

Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce

Do you approve of the decision by the San Pedro and Peninsula Chamber of Commerce with their endorsement of Bob Bisno's plans?

Perhaps you may wish to know who are the members of the Board of Directors so you can consider for yourselves how you might want to let them know your feelings, if you oppose the decision.

Here are the members of the Board of Directors:

Anthony Santich, Chairman of the Board
The Port of Los Angeles
John Ek, Chair-Elect
Ek & Ek Public Advocacy
Dr. Lanny Nelms, Vice Chair, Community Affairs
Harbor Community Adult School
Eric Eisenberg and Jayme Wilson, Vice Chairs, Economic Development
The Renaissance Group and Spirit Cruises, respectively
Sal Sotomayor, Vice Chair, Finance
Bay Cities National Bank
John Ek, Vice Chair, Public Policy
Ek & Ek Public Advocacy
Della Warner, Chamber Auxiliary President

James Allen
Random Lengths News
Jack Baric
Pirate Town Productions
James Cross
Cross America, Inc.
Tom Dorsey
Mitch Harmatz
Plaza Automotive Center & Park Plaza Shell
Steve Kleinjan
Clean San Pedro, Inc.
Irene Mendoza
Svorinich & Associates, Inc.
Carol Mizrahi
Planet Kids
Richard W. Peterson
LA Inc.
Anthony Pirozzi

Lou Roupoli, Jr.
Lou's Floor Covering
Carol Rugnetta
Crowne Plaza Los Angeles Harbor Hotel
Robert Santich
Contessa Foods
Andrew Silber
The Whale & Ale
Mona Sutton
The Omelette & Waffle Shop
Tim Tess
Pasha Stevedoring
Dwainia Tullis
DeTu Salon International
George Van Buren
Van Buren & Associates
Kevin Williams
Find Your Way Around L.A.

Two names stand out for the first specific recognition.
Mr. Sal Satomayor and Mr. Jack Baric are also members of Janice Hahn's Community Advisory Committee for the Ponte Vista project. Both Mr. Satomayor and Mr. Baric refrained from voting and I commend them for that decision. Thank you Sal and Jack for doing the correct thing. Please go ahead with your important work as members of the CAC.

Irene Mendoza, another member of the Board, works for an organization that at least did do lobbying work on behalf of Bob Bisno and that business may still be lobbying for Bob.

Carol Rugnetta was one of the two "Bisno supporters" who actively called for compromise and I salute her for doing that and commend her comments. However she represents the hotel where Bob Bisno has provided much business, and it is understandable, in my opinion.

There is nothing wrong as far as I am concerned with Ms. Mendoza's and Ms. Rugnetta's association with the Bisno organization or with a business doing business with Bob. I wish however, that we find that they recused themselves from voting to support the Chamber's actions.

We are all aware of Mr. Allen's receiving funding for full-page advertisements for Ponte Vista in his Random Lengths News. It stands to reason that he would probably be a supportive member of the Chamber's actions.

I still must applaud the Chamber's restraint for such a long time in supporting Bob's plans and, at least, attempting to study them as best as possible. I do feel however, that if the support announced today was voted on by only the members of the Board of Directors, they may have, as one commenter put it, "shot themselves in the foot."

I certainly hope we do not learn that only the Executive Board of Directors voted on the support. If that is the case, then I feel that the rest of the Board, along with many regular members might wish to have a sit-down discussion with those directors who voted.

It is still necessary to raise our voices and get a bit cranky if the actions announced this morning are in conflict with your wishes. I would hope general members of the Board who support R1 would find the courage to make their opinions known, both to the Board and OUR community.

Remember, if you fail to take a stand for something, you will probably fall for anything.


Anonymous said...

I am extremely disappointed in Random Lengths and James Allen for their support of Ponte Vista and lack of coverage on the issue.

Anonymous said...

It has become painfully obvious that we need more citizens on the Board of Directors. Unfortunately, many of those that are currently on the board are only interested in lining their pockets with Bob's money.

Am I the only one that is in bumper-to-bumper traffic on western in the weekday & weekend mornings? Wake up people. Bob doesn't care about the future of San Pedro. 2300 units = as least 2300 extra cars on the road going onto western every morning.